3 Mindful Activities for Back to School Jitters - Tutus Green World

3 Mindful Activities for Back to School Jitters

August 17, 2021

With summer ending the back to school routine starts, and one thing that may be overlooked is back to school mental health for kids. After a care free summer, kids are sure to be excited and nervous to head into the classroom. Here are a few ways you can ease them in with three back to school ideas for their jitters.

Motivational Note or Sticker

Leave a note in your child’s lunch box.  They will love to get your loving words to get them through the rest of their day along with their tasty lunch. This is a quick reminder that “they got this” in the middle of their day. It’s a great way to send them a hug and some encouragement.

Movement break/stretch


Show your children how they can alleviate stress right at their desks.  Being back in the classroom or working remotely can be a bit stressful.  Here are two activities that can help our children and us to destress and relax periodically throughout the day.   A simple inhalation and exhalation exercise works when they aren’t able to stand and don’t want to disrupt their class.  Close their eyes and breathe in for 5 seconds and out for 5 seconds.  Tell them to do that sequence 3 times.  They will definitely feel more relaxed! 

If room is available, during their breaks, show them how to look up, reach for the sky and wiggle their fingers.  Repeat 3 times and they will feel less stressed and ready to get back to work. 

Set a goal for the semester/week/day

Goal setting helps us all feel purposeful by giving meaning to our actions.  Goal setting also helps to alleviate stress.   This can be taught to all ages.  For younger children, a daily goal will allow them to remember why they are doing certain tasks. Weekly and semester goals are better for older children.  

Have your children write their goals and place it in a prominent place, so they can have a daily reminder.   Younger children may want to decorate their goals or add pictures.  

At the end of the day, week, semester, revisit it together. Discuss how easy or challenging it was to accomplish. If it wasn’t accomplished, discuss changes that need to be made or what help is needed to do so.  


What are some other ways your kids ease back into the fall school routine? Wishing everyone a happy and healthy beginning of the school year.

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