Two Dishes of Mac and Cheese one with Brocolli

Baked Mac & Cheese Recipe (Can be Gluten Free or Vegan)

August 14, 2023

Little girl making mac and cheese


16oz. macaroni elbows (gluten free)

1.5lbs of sharp/extra sharp cheddar cheese cheese (Dairy free cheddar cheese as a non-dairy alternative)

5 cups of milk (non-dairy unsweetened oat milk works best)

1 stick of butter (non dairy alternatives)

1/4 tsp salt

Little Girl Putting Mac and Cheese in over for Mac and Cheese recipe


1- make pasta according to box instructions. Once cooked place in deep casserole dishes, filling dish up to about 1/2 from the top.

2- Prepare Roux,
                melt butter into a medium saucepan over medium heat.
                Once melted whisk in flour, salt and pepper. Stir and cook for 3-4 minutes until color of roux gets slightly darker.
                Slowly whisk in milk, stirring continuously until thickened, about 2 minutes.
                Add chopped broccoli (if desired)
                Reduce heat to a simmer and stir in cheese until melted.

3- Pour roux over macaroni. Mix to make sure the roux is evenly and fully distributed throughout the entire casserole dish.

4- Bake uncovered for 35-40 min.

5- Remove from oven and let sit for 5 min before serving.

Also in TuTu's Green Stuff Blog

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