Black History Month - Peggy & Solomon

Black History Month - Peggy & Solomon

February 09, 2024

🌱 Meet Peggy Shepherd: Trailblazer in Environmental Justice

We are thrilled to spotlight Peggy Shepherd, the co-founder and executive director of WE ACT For Environmental Justice, in our latest newsletter. Peggy's unwavering dedication to combating environmental injustices in marginalized communities has been nothing short of inspiring. Through her leadership, WE ACT has become a beacon of hope, empowering communities to advocate for their right to clean air, water, and a healthy environment. Join us in celebrating Peggy's remarkable contributions to the environmental justice movement! #EnvironmentalJustice #CommunityAdvocacy 🌍

Check out the WE ACT website here:

Before there was a Peggy Shepherd, there was....

Solomon Brown 

🏛️ Solomon Brown was the first African-American employee of the Smithsonian Institution. He served under three Smithsonian secretaries. He rose in the ranks despite a lack of formal education, writing letters that help document the experience of a free Black man during the Civil War.

He educated himself on natural history and was the source of many illustrated maps and specimens, giving talks such as “The Social Habits of Insects.”

He also wrote poetry and is remembered to this day on the grounds of the National Museum of Natural History in Washington, D.C., where several trees have been planted in his honor. 🌳

Also in TuTu's Green Stuff Blog

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