April is Earth month! We only have one Earth and we need to take care of it, so we are breaking down tips and information in the 3 R's of Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. Life gets busy and there has been a lot going on but we must remember to be diligent on taking care of the earth.
Reducing waste to begin with is by far the best thing we can do to impact environmental change. Here are a few ways we can reduce waste.
Reusing things again and again instead of disposable items or items that get used very little. Many substitutes can be made for reusable items to create less waste
Recycling is a great way to take old things and to make them into new things. It's always a good idea to check with your local facility what they accept for curbside recycling.
I hope this helped you find new ways to think of our Earth and be more sustainable. To help teach littles these topics in a way they can easily understand, use the picture book TuTu Goes Green and add it to your library.
Tag TuTu's Green World on social media with your favorite ways to be sustainable.