Turning Fall Bounty into Compost Gold: What to Add to Your Compost Pile

Turning Fall Bounty into Compost Gold: What to Add to Your Compost Pile

October 05, 2023

As the leaves begin to change colors and pumpkins adorn porches, it's the perfect time to talk about composting during the fall season. Composting is not only a sustainable way to reduce waste, but it can also transform your garden soil into nutrient-rich goodness. There are various fall items you can add to your compost pile to enrich your soil and promote a healthier environment. Additionally, the delightful children's book, "Soil Magic," teaches young readers about composting and the items that can be composted.


Let's start with the obvious: pumpkins! After Halloween or Thanksgiving, your carved or decorative pumpkins don't need to go to waste. Simply remove any candles or decorations (which hopefully are reusable or recyclable), chop the pumpkins into smaller pieces, and toss them into your compost bin. Pumpkins are rich in organic matter and will add valuable nutrients to your compost.


As trees shed their leaves in the fall, you have a ready supply of "brown" material for your compost pile. Shred the leaves to help them break down faster and mix them with "green" materials (like kitchen scraps) for a balanced compost recipe. This will create a carbon-to-nitrogen ratio that's ideal for decomposition.

Twigs and Branches:

Pruning trees and shrubs in the fall? Don't throw away those small twigs and branches. Instead, run them through a chipper or break them into smaller pieces to add to your compost. These woody materials will contribute structure and aeration to your compost pile.

Fall Garden Debris:

Once you've finished harvesting your fall crops, remember that the leftover plant material can be composted as well. Whether it's spent vegetable plants or withered flower stalks, they can all go into your compost bin, provided they're disease-free.

Grass Clippings:

Although lawn mowing season may be winding down, if you still have some grass clippings left, don't hesitate to add them to your compost. They're a valuable source of nitrogen that helps speed up decomposition.

Food Scraps:

Fall is a great time to remind ourselves of what's compostable from the kitchen. Fruit and vegetable scraps, coffee grounds, and eggshells are all fantastic additions to your compost pile. Just avoid adding meat or dairy products, as they can attract pests and create odors.

"Soil Magic" Children's Book:

The charming children's book, "Soil Magic" introduces young readers to the world of composting through the adventures of TuTu and her friends, the Green Crew.

Soil Magic_TuTus Green World
Set in a town dealing with waste issues, the book educates children about what composting is and which items are compostable. It's an engaging way to teach kids about the importance of sustainability and environmental stewardship.

As you enjoy the beauty of fall and the bounty it brings, remember that your compost pile can benefit from these seasonal offerings. By adding pumpkins, leaves, and other fall items to your compost, you're not only reducing waste but also enriching your garden soil. And if you're looking for a fun way to teach children about composting, don't forget to buy a copy of "Soil Magic." Together, we can all contribute to a greener, more sustainable future. Happy composting!

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