Women's History Month - TuTu's Celebrates Marjory Stoneman Douglas

Women's History Month - TuTu's Celebrates Marjory Stoneman Douglas

March 07, 2024

It's Week 1 of Women's History Month, and we are delighted to share a celebration of the remarkable contributions of women environmental activists who have left an indelible mark on both our environment and communities. This week, we shine a spotlight on Marjory Stoneman Douglas.

Born in 1890, was a pioneering environmentalist known for Marjoy's tireless efforts to protect the Florida Everglades. Despite facing societal barriers as a black woman in the early 20th century, Douglas became a prominent journalist and author, using her platform to advocate for conservation. Her seminal work, "The Everglades: River of Grass," brought attention to the ecological importance of the Everglades and inspired grassroots activism. Douglas's advocacy ultimately led to the establishment of Everglades National Park in 1947, preserving this unique ecosystem for future generations.


Read more about her here on the Florida State Park website:


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