Meatless Burger Alternatives for Memorial Day - Tutus Green World

Meatless Burger Alternatives for Memorial Day

May 26, 2021

Memorial Weekend, the time to honor those who have served, and the unofficial start of summer. Many Americans participate in a variety of activities including, throwing some burgers on the grill. Most people quickly think beef but there are plenty of healthier and eco-friendly, meatless burger options of delicious veggie burgers to grill up this Memorial Day Weekend.

Here are five alternatives to throwing beef burgers on the grill that the whole family is sure to enjoy.  These are also great ways to use your food leftovers. Beef burgers and other meat products are more harmful to the environment because they utilize more water to produce, require more land, and create more greenhouse gases than cars, buses, and trains combined. 


5 Veggie Burger Recipes


Everyone have safe, healthy and happy Memorial Day as we remember and honor those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our country.

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